Preparing for Vacation Bible School

My family, and the missionaries that we are working with, met last week to discuss the Vacation Bible Schools that we will be holding this summer. The theme is Diving for Treasure. The idea is that we will dive into the Word of God and find    our  treasure. I  look  to  have  a great turnout  in  our  village as  we  have  been working with a group of young people here for over a year now.  They are very excited about VBS. As you may recall, we held our first VBS here last year. Now, a year later, the children are still talking about it and are excited for the one this summer.

I am really excited about this year’s VBS, because, after working with the young people of Shila for about a year, many of them have really progressed in their understanding of the Bible and salvation. Our goal concerning the VBS is twofold:


To bring the young people whom we have already been working with to a place of decision.  Our desire is that they will come to a place in their lives where they understand their need to be reconciled unto God whom they have sinned against, and to understand that they need to repent of their sins, and to put their faith in the blood of Christ and Him alone.


Concerning our first time visitors, our hope is that the lessons will serve as a introduction of the Bible message and that they will continue to come to the Sunday services after VBS so that we can build upon this introduction in the year to come.


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