Since we moved into the village house, we have had a rough go of it. It seems that every week since we have moved, there has been some kind of unusual problem. Here are a few things that have happened:
  • We had some very cold weather, and my car froze up. When we lived in the city, this was not too big of a problem, I would just call a mechanic that I know, and he would come with some equipment and within an hour or less the car would be running. That is no longer an option. It took me about a day and a half to get the car thawed out, but then my battery was too weak. I ended up with three batteries, a jumper box and a whole bunch of jumper cables hooked up to the car. Finally, it started.  
  • Some neighborhood kids were pestering one of our neighbors, who happens to be one of the village grandmothers. I am not sure exactly what happened or who was involved, as we were at the prayer meeting in the city when it happened. However, it sounds like there was some name calling on both sides and someone threw a snowball at her house. The real problem arose the following day when our elderly neighbor began yelling at every child who walked down our street and would then proceed to chase them off the street with a stick, including our Sunday School kids. Fortunately she has calmed down a little, and will even sit in the same room with the kids for Sunday School. 
  • Our house was broken into, when we were at church. It seems that it was just some neighborhood kids, as they just took the Sunday School candy and some pop (soda.) They did not break anything or steal anything of value. They did, however, make quite a mess to clean up, and left both the window and door was -25 outside. During one of the services someone unlatched one of the windows on the summer porch, in a way that I would not notice. (A village house usually has a closed-in porch type room that is unheated. Its purpose is to create a wind break before entering the actual house.) Everyone knows that we go to the city every Wednesday for the prayer meeting. Once we left, they climbed in through the window. It appears that they started a fire in the fire place, made themselves comfortable, and watched a few cartoons. They  then took whatever candy and pop (soda) that their little hands could carry and then left. 
  • We almost had another house fire. (We just finished remodeling the house after the fire where we lost the second story.) The main electric wire coming into the house caught on fire. It was not correctly fastened in, and as a result, the wire began to spark inside of the meter box. Fortunately, the wire burnt in two, disconnecting the power to the house before anything else caught on fire. It did however, melt the meter reader, which will need to be replaced. 
  • In the midst of all the above, I have been battling frozen water lines. I have been under the house several times trying to come up with a better way to prevent freezing. 
On a more positive note, we have been having a good group coming to the services in Shila. Two of the boys from our Sunday School have started asking some very good questions, and have made some very good statements that would to point to a genuine trust and understanding of what is being taught. While they have not made a profession of faith, I suspect that there is some conviction of sin, and  they are beginning to understand their need for a Savior. 


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